
How to Turn on Dell Laptop without Power Button

How to Turn on Dell Laptop without Power Button? 5 Methods Explained

Have you ever thought of what happens when your laptop power button gets damaged? Like most daily products, laptops deteriorate over time, and the power button can wear out or get damaged. This means you have to learn how to turn on your laptop without a power button. While most tech experts who show you …

How to Turn on Dell Laptop without Power Button? 5 Methods Explained Read More »

What Is the Most Common Pointing Device on Laptops

What Is the Most Common Pointing Device on Laptops? All the Options Explained!

Pointing devices for PC have changed drastically over the years. From the age-old ball mouses, to lasers, and now smooth touchpads- the rapid evolution is quite fascinating for any tech geek. Today, there is a wide range of pointing devices, whether be it for PC or laptop. But, what is the most common pointing device …

What Is the Most Common Pointing Device on Laptops? All the Options Explained! Read More »

How Long Does It Take to Factory Reset a Laptop

How Long Does It Take To Factory Reset A Laptop? Explained!

Your laptop is acting strange; you’ve tried different approaches to bring it back to its natural state, but unfortunately, nothing happens. A factory reset could be your only SOS in this case. But how long does it take to factory reset a laptop? It will take approximately 30 minutes to 3 hours to complete an …

How Long Does It Take To Factory Reset A Laptop? Explained! Read More »

How to Access Advanced BIOS Settings HP

How to Access Advanced BIOS Settings HP? A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever thought of what happens when you turn ON your computer? Well, once you press the power button, the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) initializes and prepares your computer to run. BIOS is a Read-Only Memory (ROM) usually embedded on a computer motherboard that recognizes the operating system and manages the I/O (input/output) components …

How to Access Advanced BIOS Settings HP? A Step-by-Step Guide Read More »

How to Project Laptop Screen to Wall without Projector

How to Project Laptop Screen to Wall without Projector? Step-by-Step Guide

Projectors have progressively advanced in technology since their invention. Today, they have become a source of infotainment and entertainment in many places; homes, schools, workplaces, etc. But unfortunately, projectors are very expensive, and most people can’t afford them. Also, it requires a constant power supply; hence outdoor movie nights are pretty much a no-go. So, …

How to Project Laptop Screen to Wall without Projector? Step-by-Step Guide Read More »

Can I Use 4GB And 8GB Ram Together

Can I Use 4GB And 8GB Ram Together? – Expert Explained

Customers I deal with often ask me how they can increase their laptop memory. Generally, with faster RAM, the overall processing speed of a laptop increases and information travels quicker than usual. But, not everyone can afford a new laptop or two 8 GB sticks at once to upgrade their computer. So people ask, “Can …

Can I Use 4GB And 8GB Ram Together? – Expert Explained Read More »

Laptop Power Button Flashing

How to Fix Laptop Power Button Flashing? A Complete Guide!

Power button flashing or blinking is a common problem for many laptop users, and some particular reasons can cause such a thing. And there are solutions available for that too. But before I get into the answer, let us understand the reason behind it. The most common reason behind laptop power button flashing is the …

How to Fix Laptop Power Button Flashing? A Complete Guide! Read More »

How to Fix Laptop Screen Cracked Internally

How To Fix Laptop Screen Cracked Internally? 10 Min Quick Fix!

There is no need to immediately replace the screen or the laptop if you laptop screen is cracked. Screen damage or crack in laptops can occur for many reasons, both physical or internal screen damage. If the damage is external or physical, you may have to replace the screen altogether. But the good news is, …

How To Fix Laptop Screen Cracked Internally? 10 Min Quick Fix! Read More »

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